Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Thing #22 Podcasts: no iPod needed!

The podcast I chose to post about came from the The Educational Podcast Network. I like this directory because I new I wouldn't have to browse through a lot of random titles to find ones related to elementary schools. I recognized many of the podcasters but was also glad to see several I had not heard of before. The one criticism I have is that the episode titles are not specific nor do they give the length of time. I'm not a fan of long podcasts.
The one I chose to listen to was "ACE Kids". This podcast is produced by 5/6 year students from Ballina, Australia. They added sound effects and soundtracks to make the episodes more appealing. I added its RSS feed to my Google Reader. I look forward to hearing any new episodes from this school, there teacher is moving on, so they are not sure if they will still podcast next year.
The Educational Podcast Network is definitely a directory I will return to often and who knows, maybe one day you'll see podcasts from me on there!

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