Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thing #3 Registering

Well, I'm going to go ahead and post this entry, maybe I'll come back and edit it later.... I registered my blog through  Zoomerang Tuesday night but I still haven't received the "Welcome Letter". Is it a computer generated letter or does a real live person send it?

Should I be offended? Am I not really welcomed after all? I really should work on these self-esteem issues.....

Blogging is a great way to broadcast your ideas to a large body of people at once. I love the fact that you can just put it out there and not worry whether or not you included everyone or if you remembered the attachment as with email. The responsibility is on the reader to get the information, but they can always go back through the archives and re-get it if necessary. I think blogging would be a great tool for a principal to use for weekly agendas and keeping teachers informed in general. I can use a blog in a similar way with my assigned schools. I think it is very beneficial for  teachers to know of developments in technology as they happen.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You should not be offended. We WANT you. I'm sure you will get your welcome letter shortly after your facilitators get back from out of town. :-) Are you having fun yet?